Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekly Sportscamp - August 30

-My dad has always maintained that the NBA is fixed. He thinks that home teams are rewarded and big-market teams always end up winning, in order to draw in more fans and money. While his theory may not be entirely true, it's appearing that certain aspects of NBA games are fradulent.

Deadspin's Tommy Craggs wrote a fantastic article about the life of an NBA scorekeeper, in which this person reveals to him that the home scorekeepers are basically an extension of the team's PR staff, and are often encouraged to pad stats. These are the official stats that the NBA keeps, and scorekeepers are regularly adding more rebounds or assists to a player's total. Not only does Craggs get great quotes from his subject, he also brings out home and away splits to go along with it.

Amazingly, this article has gotten no play outside of Deadspin. None. The national media has completely missed it. Here is an article that could open up a can of worms with the NBA, which is already fighting for credibility, but no one has taken the next step and gotten the league's thoughts. Someone needs to throw that article at David Stern and say "explain that."

-Garrett Ross, an old high school chum of mine, is an Art student at Southern Oregon University, where he dabbles in 3D and Animation. He recently took my up on an offer to design a Sandberg On Sports logo. Here's what he came up with:
Pretty damn good, I'd say. As I figure out a way to incorporate it, you should check out the gallery on his Web site.

-For the right perspective on David Kahn's quest to free Ricky Rubio from Spain, we turn to The Matrix's Agent Smith:

Smith: Why, Mr. Kahn? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Kahn? Why? Why do you persist?

Kahn: Because I choose to.

-D-Generation X + Teaming with Vince McMahon & John Cena + this being marketed as a good thing = loss of whatever appeal WWE had left.

-No wonder Sergei Monia and Viktor Khryapa didn't pan out. Just look at their entourage on draft night.

-The Little League World Series is over? Does this mean I have to wait another year to laugh at the failure of children?

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